How to setup WordPress License Manager Plugin?

Important Reminder : Please secure your “$server_key” by encyrpting your class-helper.php file. (Suggested site for encrypting file : ionCube)

Note: This plugin was bundled with WordPress License Helper during purchase.

  1. Extract the WordPress License Hepler zip file. (
  2. Open the file class-helper.php ( wordpress-license-helper/classes/class-helper.php )
  3. Change the “WORDPRESS_LICENSE_HELPER_SERVER” defined constant with your license provider server
  4. Change the “WORDPRESS_LICENSE_HELPER_AUTHOR” defined constant with your plugin Author Name.
  5. Change the $server_key variable with your license “Secret Key for License Verification Requests” key

Where to get Server Key ?

  1. Go to Admin Dashboard > Product License Manager > Settings
  2. Copy the value of the “Secret Key for License Verification Requests” input field.

Where to get Helper Server?

  1. Go to Admin Dashboard > Product License Manager > API Help
  2. Copy the declared server key in your API demo plugin

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